

Friday 11

Design critics are facing new times; thanks to social media, critique is spread through a range of platforms and in numerous formats. Critique is no longer an activity exclusively practiced by  professionals; in our digital society, everyone seems to be a critic.

But, according to design critic Justin McGuirk, offering sound, constructive critique is no easy task; thorough training is essential if we are to offer critique in effective ways and using the appropriate formats.

In September 2014 Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE) will start a new Master programme: Design Curating and Writing. What are the skills one needs to learn to give critique? What is the role of design critique in our current society?  Is design criticism a profession for designers or should we leave this field to art historians or journalists?

Jan Boelen, Head of the master Social Design and one of the heads of the new master on Design Curating & Writing.
Justin McGuirk, Design writer, critic, curator, director of Strelka Press
Tamar Shafrir, design critic, alumni Design Academy Eindhoven (masters)

Images of the Tea Talk

  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself
  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself
  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself
  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself
  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself
  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself
  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself
  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself
  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself
  • Questioning and Curating the Self and Unself


Jan Boelen

Justin McGuirk

Tamar Shafrir