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The cookbook “Maak van de noot een deugd” (a variation of the proverb “make a virtue of necessity”) wins the Gourmand World Cookbook Award in the category Illustration in Paris last week. This winning book has been mentioned the most beautiful book in the world.
Maak van de noot een deugd” is illustrated and designed by DAE alumnus Helga de Graaf.

The book consist of recipes with typically Dutch cookies called “kruidnoten”. This kind of cookies were traditionally eaten with the arrival of Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) every year. With this book you will be inspired with delicious meals by using the Dutch “kruidnoot” cookies.

The Gourmand World Cookbook Award is awarded in Folies Bergère theatre in Paris. The book is initiated by five friends. They got the main idea of the book in the pub. After this brainstorm the entrepreneurs tried some meals. Later they asked Helga to illustrate the cookbook.

The making of

Published: 12-Mar-2012 13:58


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    Cover of "Maak van een noot een deugd". Winner of the Gourmand World Cookbook Award in the category Illustration

Photography: Judith van der Meulen