
Student Projects

Isis Boot

Department: Man and Public space

Rest, Cleanliness, Regularity

Isis Boot studied the relationship between health and time in society. This resulted in the essay ‘Rest, Cleanliness, Regularity’, and the animation triptych, Reflections on Time. Isis Boot finds that our experiencing of time should be given more space, this in contrast to the time we get from clocks, which ‘in the course of time’ has taken on greater and greater importance. The designer points out that, “by throwing off authoritarian rule, we also forfeited, through our increased autonomy, a different kind of freedom, as we were now responsible for organising our own time, which in turn made us dependent on that which we get from the clock.” Such a situation leads to stress, and thus cries out for improvement, she argues.


Copyright Design Academy Eindhoven

Copyright: Design Academy Eindhoven
Photographs: Vincent van Gurp