
Linda Viļumsone

Department: Man and Communication

Emergency Confidence

What: A life vest made for success. It will arm you with undeniable confidence, as it instantly pushes you into a ‘power posture’.

Why: If you want to live up to expectations, you have to measure up to the polished picture of a self-assured professional. Linda Vilumsone ironically presents a quick fix for those who struggle with that oppressive framework.

How: The rules for appearing confident are simple: back straight, shoulders out, head up. That is exactly what this vest does. Wear it to a presentation or meeting that makes you feel insecure. When in doubt, just pull the trigger: the vest will inflate and expand your confidence on the spot.

“Never underestimate the power of body language”

Copyright Design Academy Eindhoven

Copyright: Design Academy Eindhoven
Photographs: Ronald Smits