

Public Awards Graduation

Author: // 30-Oct-2011 15:46

At the final day of the Graduation the public awards were granted by Eindhovens Dagblad. During our show visitors were asked to vote for their favourite designproject. This lead to a total of more than 25.000 votes on all projects. In the end only one project could win the Public Award. In addition, one project was awarded by the youngsters at the Graduation with the Kids Award.

Winner Public Award: Massoud Hassani - Mine Kafon
As a child in Afghanistan, Massoud Hassani made miniature models that the wind could blow about. Sometimes they ended up in a minefield, where he could not retrieve them. Now Massoud has come up with a wind-propelled creation that can undo the threat of mines. Like a giant clump of dandelion seeds, his Mine Kafon rolls about, detonating any mines in its path. “There are 30 million land mines in Afghanistan and just 26 million people,” he says. Each deminer is fitted with a GPS tracking device linked to a website to chart which areas have been cleared.

Winner Kids Award: Rianne Koens - Peelpride
Anyone with a bowl full of fruit has one: a paradise of fruit skin, rind and peel. It is here that most of the flavour in fruit is to be found — wonderful taste intensifiers for both food and drink. And Rianne Koens has designed a series of kitchen products to make their processing easier: Peelpride. The process begins with an extra fine peeler which removes only the most flavour-intense top layer of the fruit. This is in turn dried on stackable driers. It can then be crushed and scattered with the pestle and scatterer. Or, it can be used to make tea or lime water with the help of the splash. Inspiration for delicious combinations can be found in the accompanying book, filled with wise suggestions.

  • Public Awards Graduation
  • Public Awards Graduation
  • Public Awards Graduation
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