



Graduation final day

30-Oct-2011 13:40
With a warm welcome to our 27.000th visitor at the Graduation Show 2011 we thank all our graduates for their appealing and inspiring work. Today it's the final day people all over the country can visit the 173 projects of our students. And we know th...


Graduation final day
Videoreport by  Studio 040 (Dutch Only) 
Videoreport Graduation by Studio040

Everyday is a Delight

29-Oct-2011 15:35
One of the themes at Graduation 2011 is Delight. It's all about the power of playing with our senses. We are embodied beings, and our senses are an important part of how we connect with the world. And we love to dress and express ourselves in knit,...


Everyday is a Delight

257 alumni at DAE

29-Oct-2011 12:19
During our alumni Homecoming Day yesterday at the Graduation 2011 we have welcomed many of our respected alumni. In total 257 of our former students gathered at this informal event at Design Academy Eindhoven. Some alumni graduated recently but among...


257 alumni at DAE

Two more inspiring days

29-Oct-2011 12:09
Today and tomorrow we give you the last chance to visit our Graduation Show 2011. Both days we are open form 11am till 18pm. This morning the first visitors were already waiting at the 4th floor in front of our entrance gates for another creative day...


Two more inspiring days
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