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Design Academy Eindhoven Alumnus Lenneke Langenhuijsen wins the incentive prize of Brabant Design & Development Award 2012 for her work 'Wooden Textiles'. Lenneke investigated the use of wood as a flexible material on the island of Tonga in the Southern Ocean. She examined the possibilities of technology and materials in the TextileLab of the Audax Textile Museum in The Netherlands. It appeared that textile techniques like sewing, washing, folding and coloring can be used in addition to the traditional techniques such as sawing and carving. Furthermore, a unique property of this material is that it can be moduled to hold a given shape (see: stool 'Tutu').

The jury says that Lenneke is "a promising designer". Moreover, Addy van den Krommenacker suprised Lenneke by revealing that the fabric will be used in one of his fashion shows.
The jury consisted of Addy van den Krommenacker (fashion designer), Tet Reuver (initiator LABMinds & Dutch Design Awards studios Tet Reuver), Hebe Verstappen (creative director Textile-Audax Textile Museum Tilburg) and Ineke Hans (Studio Ineke Hans/Arnhem).
Read full article here.
Published: 23-Oct-2012 18:21


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  • Incentive prize won by Alumnus

    Lenneke Langenhuijsen and Addy van den Krommenacker

  • Incentive prize won by Alumnus

    'Wooden Textiles' by Lenneke Langenhuijsen

  • Incentive prize won by Alumnus

    'Tutu' by Lenneke Langenhuijsen