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A bus full of elderly people visited the Graduation Show on Wednesday 24 October to play Bingo. One of our graduates, Jules van den Langenberg, is the designer (in collaboration with La Bolleur) of this Bingo game. Design is alive and kicking on the 5th floor of Design Academy Eindhoven!

Jules van den Langenberg based his Bingo game on research he did on the daily life of his grandmother and her cohabitants of an elderly home: Elde Zorggroep. He saw the need for social architecture in the communal, overhospitalised life of elderly people living in homes. He wanted to refresh the daily routines of these people with something that is very common and costs almost nothing: pleasure. And pleasure and laughter thrives when people interact. Pleasure is the medicine!

Designer Collective La Bolleur helped Jules to work out several solutions for Jules’ problem and came up with a new interpretation of the Bingo game. In their version, Bingo is an experience. Jules is planning on doing another Bingo game on the floor this weekend. We will keep you updated on Facebook!

The Medicine Called Fun - Bingo registratie from Jules van den Langenberg on Vimeo.

Video by Vigics

Published: 25-Oct-2013 13:17


Graduation 2013
  • Pleasure is medicine


  • Pleasure is medicine


  • Pleasure is medicine


  • Pleasure is medicine


  • Pleasure is medicine
