

Maartje and I were invited by some members of our project team members over at the TU/e to design and offer some workshops together. The first one was about getting to know the elderly people for whom we are all designing with through a dreaming activity and co-reflection. (Please see this link to read about that workshop). The second workshops objective was for our industry project partners to adopt a previously co-designed Product Service Systems (PSS) and understand its core value for the organisation. 

The workshop sought to capture the chosen PSS concept in a short pitch. This offered the participants a powerful tool in order to bring the right people and organisations together in piloting their chosen concept. The workshop brought relevant stakeholders together to contribute towards a clear and powerful message about the value of each chosen PSS concept. What this did was allow the main PSS concept adopter to get the input of those who would play a role in the implementation of the PSS design. On the spot they were working together to see what role they could each take, and how they can support one another to make the design a reality.

In order for this to happen, it was important the diverse companies and stakeholders understood the goal of the workshop. The DAE GbM team designed a video that introduced the goal of the workshop and put the participants in the right mindset. This video made it clear that we were working together because we would be connecting our common visions and our common focus on improving what we offer for elderly people. The video put all the participants on the same page and ready to think together. We invite you to see the video here.

While each organisation was taking the concept and translating it into a story they can share, they were adopting it as their own story and weaving its value into that of their company or organisation. The workshop concluded in the main organisations giving their pitch to each other in order to receive feedback and identify any opportunities for cross-links. The TU/e is currently following up on working to bring the PSS concepts into pilot programs.

Published: 01-Feb-2013 14:09


Grey but Mobile
  • Workshop: Pitching PSS Concepts

    PSS Pitch workshop
