

**Register by email to by September 11th for a place in the upcoming DRS!




people | experience | stories | engaging | understanding

As design researchers we seek to capture the experiences and stories that elderly people share, and translate them in order to create value.

In this installment of Design Research Space we will explore what is design research, and how you bring your own qualities as a designer within a research context. The main activity of this DRS will be designing how you capture the experiences and stories of elderly people (by applying some great methods!) and then we will have a go at translating the stories and experiences we have captured and discuss what kinds of value these create.

This means that your qualities as a designer will come into play during this two-sided challenge; designing the research method that captures experiences and stories, as well as communicating the entire research process and its results in your own way. During six Wednesdays, participants will be encouraged to design and implement empathic research tools to engage with elderly people, as well as work together with our industry partners to translate the research into value.

This course is part of the 'Grey but Mobile' CRISP research project where we seek to improve mobility product service systems (PSS) for elderly that support independent living and social connectivity. This means that the work we do during the five weeks will contribute to a larger research initiative.

Are you interested to join?

Send an email by September 11th to:, with a brief motivation for participating in this Design Research Space: why you want to learn and experience more about empathic design research.

We will notify all accepted participants before Sept 16th via email, providing further instructions and details of the overall program.


NOTE: DAE BA students will earn 2 ECT credits if the course is completed successfully and are present for the entire program. MA students are welcome to apply but will need prior consent from the heads of their departments. TU/e Industrial Design students are also welcome to apply.


Published: 05-Sep-2013 14:35
  • DESIGN RESEARCH SPACE #5: Empathic Design Research

    DRS 5_Poster-02
