

And they're off! Students were filled with inspiration, information and a challenge and over the next two weeks will be meeting with elderly people in order to get to know their mobility needs, wishes and experiences. The students will be triggering these conversations through generative tools and capturing them with film and photography. We look forward to the results!

A few fantastic guests joined us as part of our ODS today. Yanki Lee, a design researcher in the elderly field joined us from Hong Kong via Skype to inspire us with her story about Ageing and Ingenuity research. You can find more information in this link from her lab in Hong Kong, and more about Yanki herself on her website.

Hubert Cornelus offered our students the opportunity to ask tough questions about home are for elderly people. Hubert comes from Vrienden van Thuiszorg, a organization that worked closely with a GbM partner ZuidZorg to offer programs for elderly people in many different forms. Hubert has years of experience working with elderly people and shared this through a q&a.

Armed with our research framework, the students began designing their research methods to go into the field as they seek to answer the challenge: capture stories that bring insights related to a person over 65 (who lives independently or with a little help) using a mobility service (either a service offered, or a means they created themselves).

Good luck to the wonderful students on their fieldwork adventures. We can't wait to work together next time with Marie de Vos and Maaike Schuitema from STBY in two weeks to analyse your research results.

Published: 27-Sep-2013 16:20


Grey but Mobile
  • ODS #5 Day two: Design Research in action

    Yanki Lee.JPG
