

On the 11th of January the Britisch critical designer Tobie Kerridge visited Design Academy Eindhoven to share his thoughts on speculative design with the CRISP reserach team. "It is definitely not easy to collaborate with other disciplines, sometimes it seems you are more busy with keeping everyone on track than creating and developing your own projects" mentioned Kerridge to the reserachers. "But it is definetely an interesting learning process"

From the start of the CRISP project our reserach associates noticed that there is certainly a gap between design reserach and scientific reserach. A gap that is not always easy to bridge, but certainly a huge challenge. Tobie Kerridge, experienced with interdisciplinary reserach projects, gave an insight in the advantages of crossdisciplanary projects. His Biojewellery Rings, a project for which he cooperated with a some medical experts, has certainly gained from the expertise of bio engeneers. Kerridge produced rings out of bone tissues of human beings. Not only the design proces itself also getting the material (bone tissue) as well as all the medical and law procedures to realise this exiting projects were a mere challenge.


Published: 06-Feb-2012 14:39


  • CRISP discussion with Tobie Kerridge

    05White Ladies Lecture 11-01-2012.JPG
