
The Gmotiv project

Game elements and behavioural change

Designing Motivation - Changing Human Behaviour Using Game-Elements (G-MOTIV) is about researching and applying new approaches to behavioural change based on motivation by using game elements. We will conduct research on the motivational effect of game elements in changing behaviour. Our multidisciplinary team of scientists and designers will work on developing intelligent PSS prototypes in the fields of health care and human resources, resulting in structural behavioural change. Achieving lasting change is difficult; people are often poorly motivated to change their status quo! In the domains of healthcare and human resources, this resistance leads to large financial costs for society and reorganization costs for companies. Currently, people are ‘helped’ to change using therapy, training and coaching, however these often only result in short-term effects.

To tackle this issue we need to help people achieve long-lasting, desired behavioural change. We turn to knowledge evolving from the serious gaming industry. The game elements of fantasy, challenge and action-consequences are known to be powerful tools for motivation.

The Research Associates who work on this project are Alessia Cadamuro and Susana Cámara Leret.