
Strategic Creativity Publications

The publications you will find on this page have been published within the Readership in Strategic Creativity at the Design Academy. Most of them are a reflection of the projects that are conducted within the Readership. Some are published through the channels of the academy and others have been submitted as conference papers. A second type of publications reflects on the working manner ‘thinking through making’ the Readership has adopted.

With our own publication series we hope to contribute to the field of design research that creates knowledge at institutes such as ours, or as it is found in increasingly more (small) design firms.


Metaphors as a common language for empathic conversations in collaborative networks

Bas Raijmakers, 24-06-2015
Metaphors as a common language for empathic conversations in collaborative networks Over the last decade there has been an evolving field of co-design with the aim to facilitate an exchange between design teams, and those for whom the...

The in-between: an experimental venture into the position of the designer

Bas Raijmakers, 24-06-2015
The in-between: an experimental venture into the position of the designer Increasing interdisciplinary collaborations between art, design and science, draw attention to the need of elucidating the position of the designer. S...

The Power of Being In-Between. How design research can empower multidisciplinary teams

Bas Raijmakers, 24-06-2015
The increasing amount of multidisciplinary collaborations in the creation of Product Service Systems (PSS), spurs the need for a deeper understan...

The Social Fabric: adopting the social value of craftsmanship in service design

Bas Raijmakers, 24-06-2015
This paper addresses the social component of craftsmanship in relation to service-design. Crafts depend on a social context to be preserved and t...

Vessels: Objects as carriers of intangible content in PSS. by Jonathan Wray

Bas Raijmakers, 24-06-2015
Services are a combination of both tangible and intangible elements and are created in the moments of interaction between people and product...

New Goals for Design, New Roles for Designers? by Bas Raijmakers, Mike Thompson, Evelien van de Garde

Bas Raijmakers, 24-06-2015
Designers are creating new roles for themselves, in response to new questions society and industry are facing. The development of innovative serv...

What Remains? A Persuasive Story Telling Game to facilitate Alzheimer patient intake in care homes

Bas Raijmakers, 24-06-2015
by Alessia Cadamuro, Valentijn Visch What Remains? is a prototype that facilitates the intake of Alzheimer patient in care homes. The pro...

What Remains? by Alessia Cadamuro

Bas Raijmakers, 24-06-2015
What remains? is a design research project that is part of a larger investigation into how game elements can be used as motivational triggers to stimu...
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Value Pursuit

Kindred Spirits


What remains?




The Play's the thing


Stressed Out


Social Fabric