

Eindhovens Dagblad Public Choice

Author: DAEnews // 28-Oct-2012 16:48

Thousands of votes were counted for the Eindhovense Publieksprijs. We all thank you for visiting the show, and of course, for voting for your favorite project. The winners are:

Category: Adults Award
Floral Messages’ by Hedwig Hulshof (279 votes) 

Category: Youth Award
Walk-in Closet’ by Ho Sun Ching. He was nominated for both awards. He missed one vote for winning the Adults Award. But luckily he won the Youth Award with 43 votes. 

The other nominated graduates didn’t get an award, but the amount of votes is worth noticing. 'Bike Spikes' by Cesar van Rongen, also in the top three of most voted projects, gained 252 votes for the Adults Award and 30 votes for the Youth Award. Furthermore, ‘Undercover carpet’ by Danielle van Lunteren gained 29 votes for the Youth Award. 

  • Eindhovens Dagblad Public Choice
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