

The best ideas never happen

Author: DAEnews // 23-Oct-2013 18:01

EMMA reporters interviewed Jens Dyvik, one of the winners of the Keep an Eye grant 2012. Tom Loois asks him: have you spent all the money, and on what? “Yes, on plane tickets and hotels,” says Jens. Sounds like a holiday, but Jens’ travels were nothing like a holiday. As a designer, he wants to facilitate people from all over the world not only to be a designer, but also a producer and a consumer. “The best ideas never happen,” says Jens. With his FabLabs he wants do to something about it.

Students of DAE: don’t complain!
Olle is asking Bart Hess about his career during and after Design Academy Eindhoven. The school is often seen as a ‘bubble’: difficult to get in and difficult to get out. Bart Hess has his opinion about this: “It might be a bubble, but it is a good one. It’s a playground for ideas. Eindhoven is not the most exciting city, there’s basically nothing. So as a student you have to be extra creative and take care of your own parties and facilities. Olle wants Bart’s best advice for students. “Enjoy it, this is your most amazing time. Don’t complain,” says Bart.

More items in this show:
Pablo Calderon’s daily item
Tom Loois interviews graduate Conor Trawinski
Jan Pieter Kaptein interviews Harry Otten, Meteo Consult
Olle Lundin interviews alumni Bart Hess
Eric Barendse is the presenter of the show

Listen to all our daily shows here!

Photographer: Wineke van Muiswinkel
  • The best ideas never happen
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