

DAE Lecture Series. 06

Author: IlkavanSteen // 12-Jun-2020 10:32

In the next DAE Lecture Series we announce architect and independent curator Mariana Pestana with her lecture 'Empathy: a radical role for design in the more than human world' on June 24. Because of the current times, this lecture is accompanied by a statement from The DAE Lecture Committee, which you can find below.

"The DAE Lecture Series would like to acknowledge the events unfolding in our streets and also across our social media feeds. We unequivocally stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, and the campaigns to open up space online for silenced or marginalized voices. As a student led committee, we are a diverse group comprising different ethnic, cultural and educational backgrounds. We have always sought to create space for BIPOC voices in DAE over the past year. We see this work not as part of a reactionary political statement, but as an on-going process of systemic change through the open sharing of diverse perspectives and knowledge.
With all of this in mind, we have postponed our scheduled talk with Marianna Pestana to June 24th. Empathy, in its diverse forms and expressions, is needed more than ever in the many crises we are facing now. Please join us on instagram live @designacademcyeindhoven at 19.00 NL time."
In her talk, Mariana will reflect on the last three years of her research and curatorial practice, which developed to form the framework of the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial, titled Empathy Revisited: designs for more than one. 
In revisiting the origins of the notion of the term empathy, which described a transference of feeling between human and non-human agents, Mariana proposes a new understanding of design based on practices of care, affect and relations.
Mariana Pestana, 'Empathy: a radical role for design in the more than human world'

When and where
June 24, 2020, 19:00 CET Live on Instagram @designacademyeindhoven
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  • DAE Lecture Series. 06
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