


Passenger and Cabin Crew actions

When we set out to map the events and emotions of a typical KLM flight, I had no idea just how long that would take. We started by mapping out Passenger and Cabin Crew actions, and interestingly enough even this process of going through the flight events step by step already gave us our first key insight. As we were going through the various stages of the flight we had to keep bringing their attention back to what the passengers were doing at particular moments. The Cabin Crew's routine is so intensive and even in discussing it they appeared to become tunnelled into a process of being task orientated, which resulted in a lack of attention to the Passengers. Even when we did draw their attention to the growing neglected white spaces of the map in the row Passenger actions, they still found it difficult to speculate just exactly what they might be doing.


After Having completed the actions each Cabin Crew member had prepared some positive and negative stories of experiences they have had on the plane. In contradiction to my last point that Cabin Crew seem to 'neglect' passengers, almost all of the stories involved interactions between cabin Crew and passengers, or observations of Passengers and Cabin Crew.


Finally we asked each cabin Crew member to map out their energy levels during a long haul flight. They each did it independently and what resulted were 5 very similar graph lines. That they seem to agree or share energy patterns.


All in all the workshop was intense but productive. The cabin crew despite their lack of attention to the Passengers during flights or in this workshop, is somehow misguided, as what really motivates Cabin Crew is positive feedback from the Passengers, and that they do infect have a lot of empathy towards passengers on the whole. It seems  that they are task orientated rather than Passenger orientated which does not give them as much opportunity to personally interact with passengers. A strange thought is that infact all the tasks they undertake are infact for passengers safety and comfort. 

Published: 13-Jan-2012 13:23


  • Mapping In-flight Services


  • Mapping In-flight Services


  • Mapping In-flight Services

