


Author: DAEnews // 14-Apr-2015 12:11

by Marije Vogelzang

I can’t think of anything that touches us like food. It is the soul of life, a single unifier. When I first graduated I did not want to become known as the ‘food girl’, but I was struck by the public’s reaction to my first projects. It made me think much more about the material’s potency and potential.

Food is very emotional – it has the power to make people feel happy. I always knew that, but the more complicated question was how a food designer could make the sort of impact I wanted to make. My answer is that one must always have a stand-point that is bigger than the food on a plate.

So I want ‘Eat Shit’ to show how there is a big difference between food design and eating design. I want to reveal the full gamut of what my new Food Non Food course at the Design Academy Eindhoven covers. It is the first undergraduate food design course in the world (in art education) and for the department I selected a team of experts with different strengths so students come at the subject from as broad a perspective as possible.

The department’s focus is on materials, politics, communication and always ideas – ideas about change, the future and problem solving. Combined, my team has a unique view on where and why food is where it is right now, but also where it is headed. It is important to look backwards and forwards to better understand how design can intervene on that route. We talk about contemporary reality, limitations and all the various responses design can make to food related issues.

Food Non Food is a brand new department and our students are still fi nding their way and their voice as designers – they are still only in their second year of study. But we decided now is the right moment to show what we have been up to given that the next World Expo is approaching with its food focus, but also because our students are so fresh and enthusiastic. Milan just felt right.

I think one of the main problems facing food and food production right now is that most of the people in the industry are very specialized and focus solely on their own profession. Design cannot solve every problem, but I do think it can make a valuable contribution. And it is at each point of the production and distribution process that difference can be made because skilled creative thinkers are trained to tackle bigger problems head on.

And more generally designers are uniquely positioned – they understand problems and can use design thinking to kick-start a stuck system out of its rut. Designers can work between farmers and families, between politicians and industry, and between scientists and producers. Designers can forge links, they can take existing knowledge and add a design twist which ensures ideas click across boarders.

Everybody eats – food is potent, it forms the basis of life and yet so many of us, especially those living in cities, take it for granted. People don’t think about the fact that bananas were originally green with spikes and seeds, or that carrots were purple and white. What happened? Why are they so homogenized? And what does it mean for the future of food? Limiting agricultural diversity puts agriculture in a precarious position. So I guess you can say I did become the ‘food girl’, but now I understand why that was the best possible path.

Marije Vogelzang and Naomi Jansen - Shit

Marije Vogelzang is the head of the new Design Academy Eindhoven Food Non Food department. She graduated from the academy in 2000 and her ‘White Funeral’ project was a hit in Milan the year before. Marije never wanted to become known as the ‘food girl’ but soon realised that food as a material has both endless possibilities and infi nite power.

Categories: Home News, Milan 2015
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